1.If it is a man and a woman arguing, you may need to call for intervention if there is escalating verbal abuse or any physical abuse.
2.As a volunteer with a local women's organization in Padang, where she lives, she has learned of a few cases of verbal and physical abuse.
3.The court heard she had suffered years of physical abuse by her husband Mark, a former RAF serviceman, whom she married in 1996.
4.Additionally, in the case of physical abuse, the only solution is to seek immediate help and shelter.
5.Doctors noticed the heavily pregnant girl showed clear signs of physical abuse when she was brought into a hospital in Dayton to give birth.
6.Physical abuse is not the only human rights violation children suffer in detention.
7.Are workers subjected to any physical abuse, the threat of physical abuse of intimidating verbal abuse, for any reason?
8.And an inability to delegate undermines your effectiveness as a manager more than anything else, short of embezzlement or physical abuse.
9.Hers is a story of false promises, illegal immigration, verbal and physical abuse, drugs, forced prostitution and a risky escape.
10.Physical abuse involves hitting, poisoning, burning or deliberately causing harm to the health of a young person.